IsMyChildLearning offers innovative web-based assessment and instructional solutions for students of all ages. Data captured from math & reading assessments help measure, monitor and support student learning goals. Your student will engage in lessons from their current instructional level customized to support them until they reach their goal.
EDGE lessons initiate your child’s learning at exactly the point they need to begin. Individualized lessons support each gap, getting your child back on track for success. Correct answers show mastery and move your child forward. Incorrect answers are revisited, and strategies are employed to ensure understanding. Parents and guardians will receive detailed data reports that not only identify your student’s strengths and gaps, but also provide you with insight into the reasons behind those results. Teaming with your child’s teacher or interventionist as needed.
The co-founders of “Is My Child Learning?” have more than 40 years experience in starting and leading schools throughout the country. In our experience we have recognized the critical role of parents in ensuring academic success. We believe that maximum learning growth occurs when:
1. Student learning is accurately diagnosed (diagnostic testing)
2. Parents and teachers are fully informed about the test results in a clear and totally understandable format
3. The test results guide very specific, personalized instruction
4. Parents are empowered to provide supplemental online personalized lessons to ensure their child’s learning path addresses any gaps and keeps moving forward.
5. Baseline and followup diagnostic testing provides personalized information about the student’s learning progress